The film has raised lot of expectations among the audience. Radha Krishna under his banner Haarika & Haasine Creations. Trivikram’s much awaited film “A… Aa” (Anasuya Ramalingam Vs Anand Vihari) starring Nithin, Samantha and Anupama Parameswaran in the lead roles has released world wide today on the occasion of Telangana Formation Day (June 2nd). Now streaming on-demand, I highly recommend checking out Nobody, unless you're someone who is squeamish when it comes to blood.A Aa Telugu Movie Review, Rating | Trivikram | Nithin | Samantha | Anupama Parameswaran | Live, Tweet Updates | StoryĪ Aa Review | A Aa Movie Review | A Aa Rating | Trivikram A Aa Review | Nithin A Aa Review | Samantha A Aa Review | A Aa Telugu Movie Review | A Aa Movie Review and Rating | A Aa Story | A Aa Live Updates | A Aa Tweet Review | A Aa Telugu Movie Review and Rating | Trivikram A Aa Movie Review | Samantha A Aa Movie Review | A Aa Movie Rating | Trivikram A Aa Movie Rating | Trivikram A Aa Movie Rating | Hero | Heroine | Cast and crew | Live Review | Tweet ReviewĪ Aa Review, A Aa Movie Review, A Aa Rating, Trivikram A Aa Review, Nithin A Aa Review, Samantha A Aa Review, Trivikram A Aa Review, A Aa Telugu Movie Review, A Aa Movie Review and Rating, A Aa Story, A Aa Live Updates, A Aa Tweet Review, A Aa Telugu Movie Review and Rating, Trivikram A Aa Movie Review, Samantha A Aa Movie Review, A Aa Movie Rating, Trivikram A Aa Movie Rating, Trivikram A Aa Movie Rating Oh, and I would be remiss if I didn't mention that it was very nice to see Christopher Lloyd having a blast in a movie again. Overall, this film lets you know what it's going to be and then delivers on its promise. In the end, from the action to the solid enough story, my only big complaints were really just a collection of small nitpicks throughout the movie. I wasn't a big fan of Hardcore Henry (although I appreciate the effort), so I'm very surprised to say that. I would say that Naishuller has significantly improved as a filmmaker and I'm actually looking forward to his next project.
I'm just happy the film delivered that and then some. I just want to see more stories involving this character.Ĭhoreographing action was something director Ilya Naishuller knew all too well, after directing the film Hardcore Henry, so I wasn't really worried about that aspect going in. It feels familiar, but fresh at the same time and I would happily watch a sequel. Yes, as the film progresses it begins to feel familiar, but it's all about whether or not you care about what is happening. I always knew he was a very talented actor, but this felt like a new side of him as a performer. I never once thought of him as someone who would ever lead a film like this, but I'm happy to say that he did it extremely well. Like many have already said about this film, Bob Odenkirk crushes it as Hutch.
It does take its time to make you care about the characters, but if for nothing else, the attention to detail in the action is what will sell the movie for action buffs. Once this film gets going, it's pedals to the metal in terms of fights and cleverness. The film takes its time letting you know where Hutch Mansell (Bob Odenkirk) is in his life right now, which really made a bigger impact when you learn who he really is. Having surpassed his rage in the past and left his previous life behind, he very quickly finds himself back in the game.
The film opens with a family man, overtired and in a looped daily routine, as two people invade his home and bring out his forgotten past. Here's why I absolutely recommend checking out Nobody. Not only is this film possibly better than most of its kind, but I also connected with most of the characters here, and with a short 90-minute run time, that's saying a lot. Honestly, I wasn't super excited for this one, given that the trailers made it look too similar to movies like the aforementioned, but I'm very glad I gave it the chance. It's rare that a film like Nobody comes out and feels similar to other movies like John Wick or Taken, while also having a completely fresh identity of its own. When a low-budget film comes along that simply wants to entertain its audience and ends up going above and beyond its promise, all I can do is praise it.